Join fellow Pokemon Go players from 8:30 pm to midnight on Friday, September 2nd, at Marshy Point! Have fun while also supporting the Marshy Point Nature Center Council.
We have 7 Pokestops that make a 5-minute oval through the Marshy Point parking lot. We will light them with lures all night long. More trainers showing up should mean more rare Pokemon spawning during the event.
The park gate will close at sunset and then reopen at 8:30 pm. No driving will be allowed; please follow instructions, park, and walk. Carpooling is encouraged!
There will be raffles, snacks, and drinks available. Make sure your phones are fully charged! Limited household power outlets will be available for charging.
A donation of $10 per carload ($8 for members) will support the Council and its programs at Marshy Point. If arriving by foot or bicycle, please consider buying some raffle tickets or making a donation.
Please note: Some Sprint users have a problem getting a decent signal in the park, so stop by some time before the event to see if you get a decent cellular signal while walking. If you have a friend with a different carrier, they may be kind enough to let you log in on their phone for some of the night.