Marshy Point Nature Center


Volunteer at Marshy Point

Share your enthusiasm, learn something new, teach others, get outdoors, and meet folks who care as much as you do. Be a part of the growing Marshy Point Nature Center community!

Naturalist Internships

Naturalist Interns provide essential support to Marshy Point Nature Center and perform a variety of duties including leading educational programs, working to develop new programs and educational materials, greeting visitors, maintaining park trails, caring for the live animal collection, and helping to develop new exhibits. Naturalist Interns are expected to work for either the Spring, Summer, or Fall season and generally work at least eight to ten hours each week, usually during the week. The availability to work mornings is preferred.

Applicants should have an interest in the outdoors, wildlife, excellent communication skills, and a willingness to learn. Students pursuing a course of study in education, natural history, biology, cultural history, or a related field are preferred. Please email your resume and cover letter for consideration.

Contact: John Lehman, Director, at

Scout Projects

Scouts are a great help to the Nature Center and Park. We’ve had more than 25 Eagle Scout projects since the nature center opened in 2000. If you are looking to complete an Eagle Scout project please contact the park director, John Lehman at

Marsh Rangers

The Marsh Ranger program offers volunteer opportunities for youth ages 13-17. In this role, youth volunteers will assist naturalists in a variety of tasks, including animal care, programming, and park maintenance. Participants will gain valuable experience in customer service, public speaking, time management, and organization, and they can use their volunteer hours to meet school and scout requirements. The program requires participants to make a one-year volunteer commitment, which includes volunteering for at least one day per week (minimum of one hour). Currently, we are NOT accepting new Marsh Ranger applications. 

Contact: Nina Jay, Community Supervisor, at


Marshy Point adult volunteers assist with a multitude of duties and activities, including programs, animal care, trail maintenance, and special events. Volunteers can expect to

Requirements for volunteers are patience, a sense of humor, and interest in Marshy Point’s conservation and education-based mission. We offer volunteer training twice per year (spring and fall); the $5 cost is refundable for those who dedicate time volunteering at Marshy Point. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer should sign up for volunteer Training or call Marshy Point Nature Center between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday at 410-887-2817.


Nature Council Board Positions

Board Events Committee

Board/events committee plans and directs facility development; helps plan/coordinate seasonal events; helps with mailings, phoning, and flyer distribution; and helps with fundraising and promotion.

Membership Committee

Phone, mail, and email are all essential aspects of staying in touch, and regularly touching base with our members is vital to keeping our efforts effective. Sharing Marshy Point with new folks is a huge part of ensuring the preservation of this invaluable resource. This committee meets as needed.

Web Committee

The Web Committee meets as needed (but communicates more via e-mail) to discuss updates and changes to Individual writing and editing tasks are assigned to volunteers interested in creating content. Publishing is handled by our webmaster and volunteers who are familiar with HTML and Content Management Systems.

Cattails Writers

Our “Cattails” newsletter is published four times a year: March, June, September, and December. The writing and editing staff correspond via e-mail six weeks before deadline to plan each issue. Individual writing and editing tasks are assigned to volunteers. Layout and production are handled by the office staff. Meet once quarterly, and write at your leisure before the editing deadline.
